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Welcome to My Entrepreneurship Blog!

I will share with you my Entrepreneurship journey, a journey with the initial steps taken when I was only 10 years old. I have set the goal of making a million dollars before my 18th birthday. It may sound absurd but I am already close and I will tell you how I've done it. Furthermore, I used my profits to start the Kavir Charity Foundation in Iran, donating essential food items to over 10,000 less fortunate people in the past two years.  However it wasn't as easy as it sounds, I have been tirelessly following my passion for the past 6 years. It's never too late and I hope I can motivate you to start your journey too. As Warren Buffet says “Do what you love” and this is what I love most.

Who am I?

My name is Alborz Rezaei, a 16 year old entrepreneur full of passion and motivation. I am originally from and born in Iran but lived in UAE (Dubai) for most of my life and am currently studying in a Swiss Boarding school. My dream is to excel in higher level education at a prestigious university, in order to gain lots of new knowledge and also meet lots of new people who can join me in my future endeavours. In my free time I like to play sports with my favourite being skiing, padel tennis and football.

Why Entrepreneurship?

My passion for business was built into me from a very young age, when my father started involving me in his business activities. I accompanied him to many different exhibitions and factory tours across the globe, as well as regularly going to Iran and shadowing my grandfather at our factory. All my vacations to Iran would involve shadowing my father, uncle or grandfather either at our office or factory. I used to not appreciate how effective these activities were until I matured and started realising how different my mindset is with my classmates. 


None of my classmates ever had the courage or confidence to start businesses at such a young age, while my parents had so much trust in me. At one point I had around $60,000 worth of stock in my sneaker reselling business at the age of 13 with my own booth in front of the world's tallest building (Burj Khalifa). After I started making my first pennies by selling snacks and toys to friends in primary school, I realised the real value of money. I was no longer a child asking to buy toys repeatedly. I viewed everything with a business lens. 


At the moment, after all the success and experience I have got in this sector, as an adult I see myself nowhere but in business, whether it is continuing my fathers family business or growing my current start-ups or a new business. I have started and grown several start-ups, which I’d like to share with you. I hope I could inspire you to start a business, even if it's a small one. Everything starts small and grows with dedication.

My Start-ups



I am Alborz Rezaei, currently 16 years old, originally from Iran. Through the past 6 years I have followed my strong passion of entrepreneurship, creating lots of different start-ups and using the profits to create a charity in my home country.

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